Splines and c-curves

A variety of splines, such as quadratic Bezier, cubic Bezier, cubic b-spline,
and NURBS, can be generated by deriving directly. Being parametric, they
can be freely edited after their initial generation.
Splines can also be generated from previously drawn vector lines, where
they are more specifically called controlled curves or c-curves.
The control lines are saved with the curves, which can later be edited
to change their shape. The available range of c-curves includes a variety
of Bezier curves, B-splines, and NURBS.

Examples of some of the available curve types: (1) Third degree NURBS
with variable weights. (2) Third degree Spline. (3) Bezier. (4) Broken
Bezier (2nd degree). (5) Continuous Bezier (2nd degree). (6) Third degree
Quick curve. (7) Second degree Quick curve. (8) Tangent.