form·Z Gallery
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Columbus Neighborhood Design Assistance Center

Joel Teaford, Executive Director; Dave Ellis, Director of Client Development; Mohammed Karim Namazi, Director of Design; Ping Cai, Assistant Director of Design; Kimberly Moss, Director of Planning; Karen Shilling, Office Administrator

This year's student employees:
Garrett Belmont, Andrew Colopy, Glenda Malana, Matthew Murphy, Nathan Sampson, and Budiman Wiharja.

The Columbus Neighborhood Design Assistance Center (CNDAC) is a non-profit organization formed in 1982 by a group of architects, planners, business leaders, and public officials who recognized that the central city was underserved, when it came to good design and planning services. Since its inception, CNDAC has had an enormous impact on the revitalization of Columbus' growing downtown. As it provides internship opportunities to students from The Ohio State University's Knowlton School of Architecture, it also works hard to inform local businesses and communities about the benefits and processes of good architectural design. Since 1998, CNDAC has been using form•Z, which is provided by auto•des•sys, Inc., at no cost. "More than 90% of our designs are in form•Z, while we also use some AutoCAD and Photoshop to supplement our work," informs us CNDAC's Executive Director, Joel Teaford. "Our students and designers find form•Z particularly friendly and effective as they work largely with clients who do not have much, if any, knowledge of architecture. It is much easier for them to evaluate the proposed designs when they can see a true simulation of the actual appearance of the redesigned buildings. The ability to demonstrate actual materials also makes the use of form•Z superior. It is hard to overemphasize the importance of form•Z to our work."

New canopy at 444 N. Front Street
by Kim Dowd