is excited to announce the launch of its animation studio, Pygmy Studios
Inc.. Our first animated movie short, "Lis and Ogre", is winning
awards at film festivals including the Garden State Film Festival, the
Rochester International Film Festival and the New Jersey International
Flim Festival at Rutgers. Check out our users gallery for stills from
this movie The extraordinary environments depicted in this movie were
all modeled in form·Z. Bruck3D is also excited to introduce
a selection of new upscale exhibit designs in the gallery which show some
of our latest work. We continue to find form·Z the most accessible
and efficient tool for our modeling and design purposes. For more exhibits
and environments go to www.bruck3d.com., and for animations go to "pygmystudios.com".
A complimentary CD portfolio is available on request to jtb@pygmystudios.com
or by calling 732-833-8442."
Bruck3D and its animation studio, Pygmy Studios Inc. is pleased to announce
a new design service: architectural virtual tours. The still images that
accompany this are selected screen captures from a demo tour.
What distinguishes
our tours from others is the meticulous care we take in designing every
component of the interiors, their furnishings, accessories, lighting,
textures and colors. We believe that a well executed tour must go well
beyond simply documenting a space; it must exploit its design potential
to the fullest.
everything is modeled in form·Z, our software of choice. We
do panoramic renderings and animate these in a variety of other applications,
with toutchup done in Adobe Photoshop. Finally, we add musical accompaniment
to the tour and publish it on custom imprinted CD's branded with our client's
logo and made available for posting to their website. Additionally, high
resolution still images of the interiors are available for print collateral
We find it
an exciting challenge to transform what would otherwise be a mundane photographic
documentation into a motivating visual shopping experience for our clients'
customers, with lots of built-in interactivity like scrolling sideways
and vertically and zooming functions. Inquires about this service may
be addressed to: "movie@pygmystudios.com".