Below are news items from July 2006 - December 2006.
form·Z 6.1 released

December 11, 2006
AutoDesSys is pleased to announce the release of form·Z 6.1,
the universal binary version on the Mac and 64 bit on Windows. On the surface form·Z 6.1 looks very much like form·Z 6.0,
but behind the scenes there is a lot that has changed beyond the support of the new intel chip...
more about
form·Z 6.1 »

2006 form·Z Joint Study Program Awards

October 17, 2006
AutoDesSys is pleased to announce the 2006 form·Z Joint Study Program Awards.
These were presented during the ACADIA conference, October 12-15, in Louisville, Kentucky.
The awards were given out at a dinner that AutoDesSys sponsored for the conference attendees.
Congratulations and prizes were extended by Chris Yessios, President and CEO of AutoDesSys, on October 13th, 2006.
From left to right are: Jae Oh, Lorraine Ong, Luke Johnson, Aric Grauke, Mike Frederick, Justin Kyle, Matt Haynes, John Houser.
more »
Chris Yessios, President and CEO of AutoDesSys keynote speaker at eCAADe

September 7, 2006
Chris Yessios, president of AutoDesSys gives the keynote address at annual conference of eCAADe,
the European Association of Computer Aided Architectural Design, in Volos, Greece.
He spoke about The Singularity of Design Creativity.
read more »
6.0 released

June 15, 2006
form·Z 6.0 started shipping to new users today and will be
automatically shipped to family plan subscribers the next two weeks. To
order the update contact our sales department at (614) 488-8838 or write
For details about v6.0, to view sample animations,
or to download a DEMO follow the below links:
a DEMO »
form·Z 6.0 »
sample animations here »
in·form·Z 2006 newsletter:

The 2006 annual newsletter has been published. It displays exciting work
of some 50 users and also tutorials, news, and other information. It is
being shipped to all current users and friends of form·Z.
To request your free copy call AutoDesSys at 614-488-8838
or e-mail our sales department. You
may also download the PDF version of the newsletter by clicking on the
link below.
2006 Newsletter PDF (14 Mb)
Option-Click (Mac) or Right-Click (Win) to download.

the 2006 Award Winners here »