Below are news items from July 2005 - December
Joint Study Award Winners

October 18, 2005
The form·Z-University Joint Study Awards for 2005 were announced
and presented on October 14th, during the ACADIA
Conference in Savannah, Georgia. Award of Distinction winners and Honorable
Mentions arrived in Savannah from four corners of the world. Prizes and
congratulations were extended by Chris Yessios, President and CEO of AutoDesSys,
at a dinner the company sponsored for all the conference attendees.
Front Row, from left to right are:
Mor Rotbart-Award of Distinction in Visualization and Illustration,
Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel;
James Diewald-Award of Distinction in Animation, Miami University,
Oxford, Ohio, USA;
Back Row, from left to right are:
Jeffrey R. Olgin-Award of Distinction in Architecture, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA; Bennett R. Neiman-Professor,
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA; Genki Harada-Award
of Distinction in Product Design, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan;
Yasuhide Yokoi-Honorable Mention
in Product Design, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan; Sebastian
Guevara Sinclair-Award of Distinction in Urban Design, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Dan Tesene-Award
of Distinction in Fabrication, The Minneapolis College of Art and
Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Po-Yi
Lee-Award of Distinction in Interior Design, Tamkang University,
Tanshui, Taipei, Taiwan.
View the award winning projects here »
Columbus, Ohio- October 18, 2005
AutoDesSys is pleased to announce the 2005 form.Z Joint Study
Program Awards. These were given out during the ACADIA conference, October
13-16, in Savannah, Georgia.
Currently in its 14th year, the form·Z Joint Study Program
involves over 250 Universities and some high schools worldwide. This is
a program with which AutoDesSys, Inc. supports and subsidizes
the learning of the new digital tools, primarily 3D. At the end of each
academic year AutoDesSys collects the projects that were created
through this program and publishes the annual form·Z Joint
Study Report. This has evolved into an event that documents the development
and progress, as well as the excitement generated by computer aided design
and 3D modeling education in institutions of higher learning. One of the
traditions the program and its report have established is the presentation
of annual awards for the exceptional work of deserving students. This
year eight awards of distinction and eight honorable mentions have been
granted. The nominated projects were divided in eight categories: Architectural
Design, Interior Design, Urban and Landscape Design, Fabrication, Product
and Industrial Design, Visualization/Illustration, Animation, and High
A distinguished international jury comprised of five individuals outside
of AutoDesSys, but experts or theorists of computer aided
design, selected the award winners in a setting that did not disclose
names or school affiliations. The jurors were:
Christian E. Allebosch, Industrial Designer, The Clever Lemon
Greg Conyngham, Integrated CADD Services
Kelly Dove, Editor-in-Chief, Computer Graphics World
Loukas Kalisperis, Professor of Architecture, Pennsylvania State
David Wolf, Architect, Architects Toolbox
All Awards of Distinction received a form·Z RadioZity license
with one year technical support and updates. The winners of Awards of
Distinction were invited, expense paid, to attend ACADIA 2005, where all
the awards were officially announced. In addition, AutoDesSys
will wave the processing costs of a 10-seat JS license for the school
they attend, for next academic year. Honorable Mentions receive diplomas
acknowledging the award with a one year user license.
All winners arrived in Savannah from four corners of the world to receive
their awards at a dinner that AutoDesSys sponsored for all
the conference attendees. Congratulations and prizes were extended by
Chris Yessios, President and CEO of AutoDesSys, on October
14, 2005 to:
metaShapes.com releases plug-in

September 6, 2005
metaShapes.com is proud to announce the release of their first
set of 3rd party plug-in shaders for AutoDesSys form·Z RenderZone and form·Z Radiozity.
The first release of metaShapes form·Z products contains five
different shaders focused on different tasks and aimed towards product
design visualization, architectural rendering, industrial design and general
Read More »
form·Z Plugin
for Maxwell Released

September 1, 2005
NextLimit Technologies has released a plugin for form·Z 5.5
to support Maxwell (http://www.maxwellrender.com).
is a new rendering engine based on the physics of real light. The plugin
allows for the assignment of Maxwell materials to form·Z objects.
Once the materials are established, the plugin transfers the scene including
objects, lights and the viewing parameters to Maxwell for rendering.
The plugin is free for registered Maxwell users and can be downloaded from
the Maxwell site. The plugin is available for Windows and Macintosh OS X.

Click on the image for a larger version
Designed, Delivered - Plugging In Prefab

August 4, 2005
How one firm in the UK uses form·Z to design prefabricated
building elements. Follow the link below to read the article.
| |

October 14, 2005
form·Z 5.5 has been updated to v5.5.1. If you are a licensed
v5.5 user you may update to v5.5.1 using the following patch. This patch
corrects a number of irregularities.
the 5.5.1 Patch »

October 14, 2005
form·Z 5.0 has been updated to v5.0.6. If you are a licensed
v5.0 user you may update to v5.0.6 using the following patch. This patch
corrects a number of irregularities.
the 5.0.6 Patch »

July 29, 2005
form·Z 5.0 has been updated to v5.0.5. If you are a licensed
v5.0 user you may update to v5.0.5 using the following patch. This patch
corrects a number of irregularities.
the 5.0.5 Patch »