Below are news items from July 2001 - December 2001.
A funny thing happened at the movies!

December, 2001
could not contain our excitement when we sat there and watched formZ
co-star with the outstanding cast of Ocean's 11 that included George Clooney,
Brad Pitt, Carl Reiner, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Casey Affleck,
Scott Caan, Don Cheadle, and Ellliott Gould.
was quite a few months ago that a formZ user, John Troxtel
of Troxtel Design in Glendale Callifornia,,
called to update his formZ software and mentioned that he will
be doing 3D work for a new film called Ocean's 11, that included a superb
cast and director Steven Soderbergh. It was one of those moments that you
think "WOW" at the time and put it in the back of your mind. Surprise,
surprise, when you are at the movie theatre and all of a sudden you see
George Clooney explaining to his eleven buddies how he planned to heist
the casinos with their help, and formZ quietly co-staring in
the background (and sometimes in the foreground!) depicting the plan in
3D. Chests swelled with pride, faces with big grins, satisfaction... An
early holiday gift that brought a lot of joy.
Excellent choice of movie going experience, great actors, great modeler,
great software. Need we say more. Follow the link to
, click on VIDEO, then watch the trailer clip. Better yet, go see the film!
New user manual

November 30, 2001

A new edition of the formZ User Manuals, current to version
3.9, has been released. To order a set contact our Sales
formZ 3.9 released

November 15, 2001
RenderZone and RadioZity 3.9. This new version offers three more export
formats and enhances the parametric power added in formZ
For more detailed information on specific features in formZ
3.9 go to the formZ
3.9 page.
Click here
to download a demo version of formZ 3.9
2000-2001 Joint Study Awards Announced

October 15, 2001
The form•Z-University Joint Study Awards for 2001 were announced and given out on October 12, 2001, during the ACADIA Conference in Buffalo, New York, at a dinner ceremony hosted by AutoDesSys, Inc. This year's recipients of the Awards of Distinction in Architecture, Urban and Landscape Design, Product Design, and Visualization and Illustration came from Germany, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and the United States.
Pictured from left to right are: Udo Gleim and Oliver Hauck from Technische Universitat Darmstadt Germany (Award of Distinction in Urban Design), Chris Yessios, President of AutoDesSys, Jahaira Hilton from Florida Atlantic University, USA (Award of Distinction in Architectural Design), Kevin Reim from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (Award of Distinction in Product Design). Not pictured: Yueh-Hung Lee, from Tamkang University,Taiwan (Award of Distinction in Architectural Design), Richard Booth from Blackpool and the Fylde College, UK (Award of Distinction in Visualiztiona and Illustration).
The Honorable Mention Awards were also announced at this time.
See the award winning projects here.

In Spatial Technology's (maker of ACIS) 1st Annual Image Contest, Zack,
the imaginary robot modeled by Marty Demczyk of AutoDesSys,
Inc. as a demonstration of the new modeling features in formZ 3.8,
won the 1st Place Award. For the announcement of the competition awards
go to Spatial's
1st Annual Image Contest.
more details about a special offering.
Just Released: form•Z Training CD

August 28, 2001
formZ Desktop Companion updated to version 3.8
July 24, 2001
Desktop Companion, by Kenth Agurell,
has been updated to version 3.8. Go
to our books page for more information.
In•form•Z 2001 Published

July 20, 2001
The annual newsletter, in•form•Z, was mailed in mid-July.
Many thanks to all our users who sent in their projects. Please call /
e-mail to receive your free copy and see how others take advantage of
the power of formZ to work on their designs in so many different
Your vision and talent... our toolZ... three
dimensions... one reality.