
Light Rail Transit-Veterans Affairs Station
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Light Rail Transit-Downtown Station
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Crosswinds Arts & Science Middle School, Woodbury, Minnesota
Expanding the boundaries of contemporary education, this 121,000-square-foot school is designed to offer an integrated, hands-on
learning environment for 600 students in grades 6-8. The school is presently
under construction and will be complete in August 2001.
Crosswinds Arts & Science Middle School, Woodbury, Minnesota
Expanding the boundaries of contemporary education, this 121,000-square-foot school is designed to offer an integrated, hands-on
learning environment for 600 students in grades 6-8. The school is presently
under construction and will be complete in August 2001.
Grand Casino Biloxi Entertainment Complex, Biloxi, Mississippi
This model was produced for a proposal to place an additional 500-room hotel
on the existing Biloxi site that already includes Cuningham Group-designed
theater complex, hotel, convention center, restaurants, parking ramps, and
the second largest floating casino in the world. The new hotel and parking
ramp appear in the upper left of this aerial photo.
HarrahÕs Cherokee Hotel and Conference Center, Cherokee, North Carolina
Nestled along an historic trout stream, this 252-room,
15-story hotel, currently under construction, will include a 30,000-square-foot
conference facility and a 650-car parking structure.
Bloomington Public Schools, Bloomington, Minnesota
After assisting the successful 7 million referendum campaign, Cuningham
Group is currently implementing the desired improvements to the 18 sites
of this growing metropolitan district. Pictured is the main entrance and
media center study model for Valley View Middle School.
Bloomington Public Schools, Bloomington, Minnesota
After assisting the successful 7 million referendum campaign, Cuningham
Group is currently implementing the desired improvements to the 18 sites
of this growing metropolitan district. Pictured is the main entrance and
media center study model for Valley View Middle School.
WMEP Downtown School,Minneapolis,Minnesota
After assisting the successful 7 million referendum campaign, Cuningham
Group is currently implementing the desired improvements to the 18 sites
of this growing metropolitan district. Pictured is the main entrance and
media center study model for Valley View Middle School.