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Bruck 3D
Jackson, New Jersey
"bruck3D is excited to announce the launch of its animation studio, Pygmy Studios Inc.. Our first animated movie short, "Lis and Ogre", is winning awards at film festivals including the Garden State Film Festival, the Rochester International Film Festival and the New Jersey International Flim Festival at Rutgers. Check out our users gallery for stills from this movie The extraordinary environments depicted in this movie were all modeled in form·Z. Bruck3D is also excited to introduce a selection of new upscale exhibit designs in the gallery which show some of our latest work. We continue to find form·Z the most accessible and efficient tool for our modeling and design purposes. For more exhibits and environments go to www.bruck3d.com., and for animations go to "pygmystudios.com". A complimentary CD portfolio is available on request to jtb@pygmystudios.com or by calling 732-833-8442."

Apartment Tour Luxurious finishes in green malachite, wrought iron and colored art glass distinguish the master bath.
Apartment Tour The interior is infused with lovely pinks and greys in subtle and rich hues.
Apartment Tour The decorative scheme of this apartment tour is that of an updated mission style.
Apartment Tour Carefully selected custom artwork complements the decorative scheme.
Sprint Exhibit This is an interior view of the Sprint Football Locker Room Mobile exhibit which Bruck3D designed and was produced by Jack Morton Worldwide in 2006.
GameTap Exhibit This custom designed tradeshow exhibit debuted at the 2006 E3 convention and won top billing on the front page of Exhibit City News.