awards of distinction and honorable mentions
For 1994-95 the
formZ Joint Study Program granted 3 Awards of Distinction and
4 Honorable Mentions to deserving students for exceptional work.
The nominations:
To qualify for an award, a student must be nominated by the PI of their
JSP school. In addition to the images, the PI's submit a summary description
of the nominated project and the reasons for which they think it deserves
an award.
The Jury:
The selection of the awards was made by 5 jurors from outside AutoDesSys,
all distinguished experts or theorists of computer aided design. Three
of the jurors are from academia and schools which had no student nominated
for an award. The other two are professionals who both use computers
in their practices and are involved with teaching. The jurors are listed
below, in alphabetical order.
- Kent Hubbell
Chairman, Department of Architecture, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York
- Thom Mayne
Principal, Morphosis, Santa Monica, California
- William Mitchell
Dean, College of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Thomas Seebohm
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- Robert Wandel
Principal, Wandel and Schnell Associates, Columbus, Ohio
Two of the jurors formed
their own internal jury, when evaluating the nominations. Kent Hubbell
at Cornell was assisted by James Gibbs and Alan Koch. Thom Mayne at Morphosis
was assisted by Cameron Crockett.
The categories:
The nominated projects were placed into two categories: original
object design and illustration/visualization.
The jurors were instructed to select two from the first and one from
the second category.
The process:
The projects of all the nominees were sent to the jurors as PageMaker
documents on SyQuest disks. Names and school affiliations were not included.
The jurors returned their selections for the three awards, and grades
(0 to 10) for each of the other projects. Selection of a project for
an award was considered equivalent to a grade of 15. The grades were
averaged and the two projects from the first category and one from the
second category receiving the highest grades were selected for the awards.
Projects receiving an average grade of 9 or higher were selected for
the honorable mentions.
The jury was also
asked to comment on why they selected the projects they did. These comments
are included with the displays of the award and honorable mention winning
of Distinction, Original Object Design
Temple University, Architecture Program
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Student Housing and Support Facilities
Cultural Center for Philadelphia
Ann Lok
Carleton University,
School of Architecture
Ottawa, Canada
Media Development and Technology Center
of Distinction, Illustration/Visualization
Blackpool and The Fylde College,
Visual Communications Studies
Blackpool, Lancashire, England
ABB Robot Arm
Mentions, Original Object Design:
Auburn University, Department of Architecture
Auburn University, Auburn
Addition to the Auburn School of Architecture
Ohio State University,
Knowlton School of Architecture
Columbus, Ohio
Corn Research Facility
J. Seagal
Yale University, School of Architecture
New Haven, Connecticut
Computer Design Investigation
Mention, Illustration/Visualization:
Blackpool and The Fylde College,
Visual Communications Studies
Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Omega Valve