Books dedicated to form·Z
Directly accessible electronic

The form·Z User Manuals are now available as electronic
documents and can be accessed directly from within form·Z.
You can select a tool, menu item, dialog, or palette and invoke specific
information about it or you can browse through selected sections of the
manuals. Optionally, the electronic manuals can be printed or printed
manuals can be ordered from AutoDesSys, Inc.
Optionally, the electronic manuals can be printed or printed manuals
can be ordered from AutoDesSys, Inc. To order a set of the manuals, contact
our sales department:
Phone: 614-488-8838
Localization of manuals into 8

The manuals are available in English, Kanji (Japanese), Italian,
Spanish, and German.
Soon to be release are versions in French, Greek, Chinese,
and Korean.
Manuals in PDF

The entire set of form·Z User Manuals manuals are available
in PDF format as downloads from this web site.
here to download PDF's »
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