Books dedicated to form·Z
form·Z by design:
a brief tutorial

The first book on the market for form·Z software is now in a third edition which encompasses all the upgrades to form·Z version 5.5. The book is written at the introductory level and is appropriate as a supplemental part of a course, as the basis for a short course, or independently as the main text. Instructors at a number of schools have informed us that new courses have been established due to the availability of this book!
The material is presented in the context of an exploration of basic design ideas. The book then follows the process of designing a project as the setting to learn the software.
Ordering Information:
Published by Stipes Publishing L.L.C.
204 West University Avenue
Champaign, Illinois 61820
phone: 217-356-8391
email: stipes01@sbcglobal.net
or go to www.stipes.com
Copyright © 2005 by Lucien Swerdloff. All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-58874-359-4
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Table of contents
Chapter 0 - Preamble
- Introductory remarks.
Chapter 1 - Concept
- A few design ideas are presented and three dimensional modeling is
- Exercise 1 - Making a three dimensional composition.
Chapter 2 - Object
- The parts and wholes of objects are examined and a three dimensional
object is modeled.
- Exercise 2 - Modeling an architectural detail.
Chapter 3 - Space
- Transformation is used to manipulate objects and to design space.
- Exercise 3 - Designing a space.
Chapter 4 - Landscape
- Pattern and texture are used to make a context.
- Exercise 4 - Designing a place in a landscape.
Chapter 5 - Epilogue
- Further possibilities are postulated.
Quick Reference
- Modeling tools, window tools, menu items, and keyboard commands.
- Selected readings.
- Concepts, names, tools, and menu items.