Books dedicated to form·Z
Agurell is victim of Tsunami

It is with great sadness that AutoDesSys announces the loss
of Kenth Agurell. It is uncertain at this time what the state of his books
is and if anybody is there to process orders. We shall make announcements
about the future of Kenth's books as soon as this information becomes available.
Desktop Companion Tutorials

Commercial Illustration Using form·Z
Three complete projects explained graphically
By Kenth Agurell and Studio Clip
Things happen when people come together and try to combine their skills.
Kenth has a unique style in setting up tools to help people in this 3D world,
like a partner sitting next to you answering whenever you ask him. His series
of form·Z Desktop Companion Tools depict exactly his idea of companionship.
Studio Clip on the other hand are illustrators, making nice images for the
advertising agencies. They both cooperated in a small tutorial published
in Kenth's site. That acted as an initiative for further works.
Kenth's thought and proposal was "I have the time and experience to
set up a Tutorial Tool and you have a good knowledge of modelling and rendering.
We can do something very good together if you like to share your knowledge
with the rest of 3d community. What do you think?"
Studio Clip felt quite flattered and thought it was a good idea. After quite
a long time of trial and error, doing and undoing, you have the result of
this collective work in your hands.
We hope we all achieved our goals: Kenth's- to help you widen your range
of expertise; Studio Clip's- to share their illustrative experience with
the 3d community; and yours, as a user of this tool- to brush up on old
skills or learn new ways of making your life in this three-dimensional world
easier. Special thanks to all our beta testers who helped us a lot with
their constructive comments and notes, each one from his point of view and
personal expertise.
Sincerely, Kenth Agurell, Ioanna and Panos
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The form·Z Tutorial Tool is the forth in a series that illustrates
how to work in form·Z. For more information on upcoming products
register on the the author's web site:
You may also send a letter to the address below, and by all means feel free
to give your opinion of The form·Z Tutorial Tool.
The form·Z Tutorial Tool Ð
as easy as 1-2-3!

S:A Birgittagatan 17A
70214 Orebro
+46 - 19 - 32 38 00 |
available from Kenth Agurell:
form·Z Desktop Companion
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