form·Z 4.1.4

June 8, 2004
form·Z 4.1 has been updated to v4.1.4. If you are a licensed
v4.1 user you may update to v4.1.4 using the following patch. This patch
corrects a number of irregularities.
4.1.4 Patch »
2002-2003 Joint Study Report

The 11th form·Z Joint Study Report has been published and sent
to all member schools as well as to the form·Z family plan members.
It contains the creative 3D modeling work of many students from all over
the world and also displays last year's JS Awards to deserving students.
To request a copy call AutoDesSys at 614-488-8838 while supplies
the 2003 Award Winners here»
2004 form·Z Calendar

2004 calendar shipped the second week of December. It was also be included
in the January 2004 issue of cadalyst magazine.
Congratulations to the following users who have their work included in the
calendar: Jason Freeny, Branislav Hetzel, Jeff Grunewald, Victor Martinez,
Brett Lewis, DSE, Craig Williams, DES Architects and Engineers, Christopher
David Lund, ALS Design Lda, Bob Neetz, form4 Architecture, and Eric Tenneson