More parametrics in form•Z in early 2001

December 22, 2000
AutoDesSys, Inc., developer of form•Z,
announced today that it will release s recently concluded that
it would be beneficial to the intereversion 3.8 in early 2001 before version
4.0 which is now scheduled to be released in mid-2001. form•Z
3.8 will be demonstrated at Macworld Expo, January 9-12, 2001,
in San Francisco, California, and will be released for beta-testing in
form•Z 3.8 is a major step towards the previously announced
v. 4.0. Given the focus of v. 4.0 on opening form•Z's architecture
to plug-ins, auto•des•syst of users, as well as to the
evolution of form•Z, to release additional parametric capabilities
as general purpose features, before the arrival of v. 4.0. The new features
in version 3.8 are primarily additional parametric capabilities and operations
based on ACIS and on AutoDesSys' own newly enhanced
modeling libraries.
For the specific features in form•Z 3.8 go to the form•Z
3.8 page.
The 1999-2000 form•Z Joint Study Report

December 21, 2000
This year's Joint Study Report has been published and was again produced
as a printed book and in digital format on a CD. Both vibrate with exceptional
work representing about 11,000 students from over 250 Universities world-wide
whose education in the new digital media is supported by AutoDesSys'
Joint Study Program. The Joint Study Report was sent to all participating
schools and also our family plan subscribers. Others may request to have
one sent to them, as long as supplies last. A digital version of the printed
report is also avaliable on this site.
form•Z Joint Study 2000 Awards

November 15, 2000
to all! On October 20, 2000,AutoDesSys hosted a dinner
to announce and hand out the annual Joint Study Awards at the ACADIA conference
held at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C.
These awards go to academic projects, created by deserving students around
the world, and selected by a distinguished jury comprised of academicians
and professionals. For a complete list go to the 2000
Joint Study Awards page.
Award Winnners depicted: from left to right,
front row: Manuel Saez (Product Design - Bridgeport University, Connecticut),
Dan Barney (Architecture - Miami University of Ohio); back row: Dan Marsden
(Visualization - Blackpool and the Flyde College, United Kingdom), Chris
Yessios (President of AutoDesSys), Ben Feldman (Urban
Design - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo), Jason
Schlatter (Architecture - honorable mention - Ball State University).
The award winning projects as well as all the work submitted by the colleges,
universities, and secondary education schools for the 1999 - 2000 academic
year, will be available in the "8th Annual Joint Study Report, Partnerships
in Learing." It will be published by December 2000 in print and on
form•Z 3.6.5

October 23, 2000
form•Z 3.6 has been refined to correct any irregularities
reported to AutoDesSys. This latest update has been
mailed to all form•Z 3.6 users. A patch is also available
on this site.
form•Z 3.6 has been refined to correct any irregularities reported to AutoDesSys. This latest update has been mailed to all form•Z 3.6 users. A patch is also available on this site.

October 23, 2000
form•Z 3.6 has been refined to correct any irregularities
reported to AutoDesSys. This latest update has been
mailed to all form•Z 3.6 users. A patch is also available
on this site.
form•Z in Hollywood

October 21, 2000
form•Z was recently used in "Space Cowboys" and
in "Sandwich a la Nickelodeon". To find out more details, please
link respectively to
summer_movies/summer_movies.htm and
form•Z in Hollywood

October 21, 2000
form•Z was recently used in "Space Cowboys" and
in "Sandwich a la Nickelodeon". To find out more details, please
link respectively to
0800summer_movies/summer_movies.htm and
form•Z 3.6 has been released

July 26, 2000
On July 28th, 2000 AutoDesSys released form•Z
3.6. A new CD has been mailed to all Family Plan members. This version
features some major rendering extensions, including multi-processor support
for Windows. For more details see the "what
is in form•Z 3.6" page.
form•Z Handbook is back!

July 15, 2000
Roger Harris' popular site is now back at a new location. To visit go to
"form•Z desktop companion" published in Spanish

July 15, 2000
Kenth Agurell's book, the English versions of which have been best
sellers, is now available in Spanish. For more details go to
Our latest awards

July 5, 2000
(Magazine) Editors' Choice Award, January 2000.
"Whether you're making real-time games, designing bridges, rapid prototyping
solid-model jet engine parts, or making spaceships for Star Wars Episode
I, form•Z 3.0 can do the job."
Video Platinum Reader's Choice Award, January 2000
CADENCE, Editors' Choice Award,
December 1999