this extension

Author: Pylon Tools (extensions for form·Z)
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Platform: All
Kind: Script
Type: Palette
Extension Version:
Minimum form·Z Version:
Updated: 7-15-05
Description: This tool-like
palette allows you to change the display resolution of parametric objects
instantly. Clicking on one of four handy palette buttons--- HULL, COARSE,
MEDIUM, and FINE--- sets the point density and number of mesh facets to
a preset value. The values for each preset can be readily customized by
the user. Works on any parametric object with a resolution attribute, such
as NURBS curves and surfaces.
Parametric Resolution was primarily designed to make NURBS surface editing
faster and easier. It allows the user to quickly toggle between a low resolution
representation of a surface, where one can manipulate control points responsively,
and a high resolution representation, where one can get a sense of how the
edit will affect the final, full-resolution model.
It also works well for changing the meshing attributes of parametric models
in preparation for converting them plain, facetted objects.
Instructions: Place the
decompressed folder "Parametric_Resolution" into the "scripts" folder
within your form·Z application folder. If form·Z
is open, quit and restart it.