form·Z Extension Exchange
this extension
Animated Surface Style Shader

Author: Christopher D. Lund, ZeroPoint Concepts.
Author's web page: www.z-depot.com
Author's e-mail: conductor@z-depot.com

Platform: All
Kind: Script
Type: Shader
Extension Version:
Minimum form·Z Version:
Updated: 6-27-05
Description: This is an animated surface style script. If you try real hard you can almost make it look like the caustic/reflections at the bottom of a pool...
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How to Use a Downloaded Extension:
- Uncompress the downloaded .zip file containing the extension.
- Place the extension in the "scripts" folder inside your application folder
- If the extension is a compiled script (.fsb) it is ready to be used - relaunch form·Z. If it is an open script (.fsl) - go to step 4.
- For open scripts (.fsl), open the script in the Script Editor or open it within formZ.
- Select "Script -> Compile" from the menubar
- Make sure that a file has been built in your scripts folder with a .fsb extension.
- If form·Z is open, quit and restart the program.
Place the plugin in the plugins folder inside your application folder and relaunch.